- 中文名:乔纳森·克特
- 别名:未知
- 性别:男
- 身高:186cm
- 体重:未知
- 地区:美国
- 星座:未知
- 血型:未知
- 生日:1979年9月2日
- 出生地:芝加哥
- 职业:配音员
- 毕业院校:伊利诺伊香槟分校
- 代表作品:破产姐妹 第一季,破产姐妹 第二季,家有喜旺 第一季,小查与寇弟的游...,破产姐妹 第三季
Jonathan Kite is quickly becoming known for his wide array of characters that he has brought to life on television, and in film. His love of storytelling reflects his limitless dedication and commitment to each role he embarks on, and his passion for entertaining and delighting audiences of all ages shines through with every performance. In September 2011, Kite can be seen co-starring as "Oleg," the Russian cook, opposite Kat Dennings and Beth Behrs in one of the most widely anticipated new series premiering this fall, CBS' "Two Broke Girls."